IRB (RPD and IAD) offices reopening

On June 19, 2020, the IRB released a brief announcement and a Practice Notice/Resumption Notice (“Resumption Notice – IRB Business resumption measures related to COVID-19”) setting out timelines for its return to business.

🚩NOTE!🚩 This would appear to be the Resumption Notice which triggers the counting of time, e.g. for the submission of BOCs. However:

The key dates (some of which have already occurred) set out therein are:

By date

  • June 15, 2020: “mail and partial registry services resumed in the IRB’s Vancouver Regional Office” [PN June 19, 2020]
  • June 22, 2020: mail can be received at Montreal and Toronto [PN June 19, 2020]
  • June 29, 2020: partial registry services resume at Montreal and Toronto [PN June 19, 2020]
  • July 19, 2020:
    • Basis of Claim forms (which would otherwise have been due on or after February 15, 2020) due [RPD PN April 7, 2020]
    • Notices of Appeal to the IAD (which would otherwise have been due on or after March 16, 2020) due [IAD PN April 7, 2020]
  • July 20, 2020: in-person hearings and full reception services resume in Vancouver [PN June 19, 2020]
  • August 3, 2020: in-person hearings and full reception services resume in Montreal and Toronto [PN June 19, 2020]
  • August 19, 2020: Notices of Appeal to RAD and RAD records (which would otherwise have due between January 1 and August 18, 2020) due [RAD PN June 12, 2020]

By category

  • Mail:
    • Vancouver: June 15 [PN June 19, 2020]
    • Montreal & Toronto: June 22 [PN June 19, 2020]
  • Registry:
    • Vancouver: June 15 (partial) [PN June 19, 2020]
    • Montreal & Toronto: June 29 (partial) [PN June 19, 2020]
  • In-person hearings and full reception services:
    • Vancouver: July 20 [PN June 19, 2020]
    • Montreal & Toronto: August 3 [PN June 19, 2020]
  • Basis of Claim forms due: July 19 [RPD PN April 7, 2020]
  • Notices of Appeal to the IAD due: July 19 [IAD PN April 7, 2020]
  • Notices of Appeal to the RAD: August 19 [RAD PN June 12, 2020]
  • RAD records: August 19 [RAD PN June 12, 2020]

Further Notes 🚩

  • Since the “registry” refers in a real sense to different parts of the IRB tribunals’ administration, it’s not entirely clear what “registry service” reopening means. In context, the implication is that in-person service or delivery of documents will be possible again. It is not clear how this fits with the fact that “full reception services” will not be open until in-person hearings resume, e.g. it may be possible to drop off a document but not receive a proof of service stamp.
  • It’s also unclear what “partial” registry service means, but considering what other businesses and services have implemented, it may mean reduced hours and/or reduced service levels/speed.

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