Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.)
CPD Hour(s)*
0 Substantive 2 h Professionalism
View this webcast-only program from your home or office computer
Jane Griesdorf, M.A., The Writing Consultants
No matter what your level of experience, you can always be a better writer. Join Jane Griesdorf of The Writing Consultants to learn from her many years of work with lawyers and judges about the writing errors that most annoy readers of the law. Find out how you can avoid common and not-so-common mistakes to achieve a winning and lively writing style.
Registration Mode *
Individual or Group
Learning format *
Live Webcast [+ $50.00]
Note: This is a live event only and will not be available on demand. Members must participate in the live event to be eligible to enter the CPD Hours for this program into the Law Society Portal.
Only PDF materials will be provided. Hardcopy materials are not available with this program.
To view your program: click “My Account” and sign in. Click “Purchased Programs” and look for the program name. Click the “Details” link on the right. Click the “Click here to access the webcast” link to load the webcast.
Register online before: June 15, 2021 10:30 AM
Individual registrations may use this printable order form
Group registrations, please see our FAQs for group rate information. If you are registering a group of 2 or more, please send an email to cpdreg@lso.ca including the full name, email address, and licensee number (if applicable) of each registrant along with a reference to the order number.
If you place an order via email, please do not provide your credit card information (number and security code) in the message. A member of the CPD Registration team will contact you to obtain the payment information.
Discounts are not applicable to $25/$50 programs or e-Courses. All prices are subject to applicable taxes.