On June 12, 2020, the IRCC issued a new program delivery instruction (PDI) for resettlement.
- Announcement: Program delivery update: COVID-19 – Resettlement
- New PDI: Resettlement: COVID-19 program delivery
The main point is:
Current directive: Travel documents may be issued only to resettlement applicants who meet the travel ban exemption under the Order in Council on March 18, 2020 and, as limited numbers can be finalized for travel given restricted capacity, no action should be taken until confirmed by the Resettlement Operations Division – COVID-19 Coordination Unit.
Resettlement: COVID-19 program delivery
In addition to information about travel restrictions (bottom half), the key points of the PDI include the following:
- What resettlement applicants are exempt from the travel ban, and what documents they need to prove it. In summary:
- Those approved on or before March 18, 2020, with visas and confirmations of permanent residence issued on or before that date;
- Urgent Protection/national interest cases; and
- Those with immediate family in Canada
- Intake by email and post continues
- Assessment of eligibility remains the same, but the Blended Visa Office-Referred (BVOR) Refugee Program and the Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Program are on hold
- Admissibility assessments made face various delays
- Refusal can be made, but no approvals at this time. Applicants who haven’t responded to requests for further info should be given extensions.