Events are online and free unless stated otherwise. Please let us know of any events you think would be of interest.
Mention of events does not imply agreement or support of event by JRILN. Events are listed because they touch on topics of interest, including immigration and refugee law and policy, anti-racism and anti-oppression, international law, international governance, and community building.
June 26, 2020
Malcolm X and the Fight Against Racism
- Date: June 26, 2020
- Time: Begins at 7pm
- Provider: Toronto East International Socialists
- Link: Contact for Zoom information.
Mohammad Ali Aumeer, the Socialist Vocalist will lead this discussion. 55 years after his murder, Malcolm X still inspires those who seek an end to the horrors of racism and the system that produces it. In the midst of today’s unprecedented uprising against racism and police brutality, what can we learn from this powerful and uncompromising leader whose ideas laid the groundwork for generations of activists. Organized by Toronto East International Socialists. Join us for this online discussion.
June 28, 2020
Abolish Police in Canada: A Pride Rally & Teach-In

- Location: online at Nathan Phillips Square
- Date: June 28, 2020
- Time: 14:00-18:00
- Provider: No Pride in Policing Coalition
- Link:
Join us to demand an IMMEDIATE 50% CUT to the Toronto Police Services budget as a first step towards abolishing the police! Pride is a protest. We will not rest until all are free!
2 PM: Rally at Nathan Phillips Square. ASL interpretation will be available. Speakers include Beverly Bain and Desmond Cole, more to be announced.
Solidarity: NPPC is sharing the space with Afro-Indigenous Rising (AIR) who have been occupying Nathan Phillips Square since Juneteenth. The No Pride in Policing Coalition supports AIR’s demands. AIR need support to continue their occupation. Donate to AIR at
Volunteers click here:
– If you are sick, stay home and watch online! Symptoms include cough, fever, difficulty breathing. Streaming details TBA.
– Bring your own mask
– Practice physical distancing
– Bring water, sunscreen, and snacks
Co-Sponsors: Black Lives Matter Toronto, Blockorama & Blackness YES, Showing Up For Racial Justice Toronto, No More Silence.
Black Lives Matter Canada Demands:
The No Pride in Policing Coalition (NPPC) is a group of queer and trans people formed in 2018 to support all the demands that Black Lives Matter Toronto raised at the 2016 Pride Toronto parade. We continue to support BLM TO in their demand for a 50% cut to the Toronto Police Service budget and for those funds to be reinvested into Black, Indigenous, racialized, impoverished, and other targeted communities as a first step towards abolishing the police.
June 29, 2020
Challenges & Opportunities in Global Security and Liberal Democracy

- Date: June 29, 2020
- Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT
- Provider: The NATO Association Of Canada
- Link:
The NATO Association of Canada is proud to collaborate with the Canadian Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (CCR2P), a non-profit, non-partisan research and advocacy organization that aims to promote scholarly engagement and political implementation of the R2P principle. This event will host Dr. Tom Axworthy, who will bring insights from his new book: Lessons From the Arctic – The Role of Regional Government in International Affairs, and Dr. Adam Chapnick, who will draw from his own publication: Canada on the United Nations Security Council. The discussion will also feature Dr. Tina Park, executive director of the CCR2P and vice-president of the NATO Association of Canada and will be moderated by Dr. Jennifer Orange, who is a post-doctoral fellow at the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary History and member on the advisory board of the CCR2P.
Dr. Tom Axworthy: Thomas S. Axworthy has had a distinguished career in government, academia, and philanthropy. He began his career in public policy in 1967 as a research assistant to the Task Force on the Structure of the Canadian Economy. He served as an assistant to the Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, then the Minister of National Revenue, before joining the Prime Minister’s office as Senior Policy Advisor, and then Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. He chaired the Arctic Advisory Steering Group of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, the Renewal Commission of the Liberal Party of Canada, and the Advisory Panel on the Creation of a Canadian Democracy Promotion Agency. He is currently a distinguished senior fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and a senior fellow at Massey College and Chair of Public Policy at Massey College. To recognize his achievements, Dr. Axworthy was invested as an Officer of the Order of Canada. He is the author of numerous books and articles of which the best known is Towards a Just Society, co-authored with Pierre Trudeau. He is a regular contributor to the opinion pages of the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, and the National Post.
Dr. Adam Chapnick: Adam Chapnick is a professor of defense studies at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC). He holds a BA from Trent University, an MA in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, and a PhD in History from the University of Toronto. He joined RMC in 2006 and currently teaches courses in Canadian foreign policy and strategic decision-making at the federal level. Outside of the college, he lectures about Canadian politics and international security across the greater Toronto community. He is the author or editor of eight books and over 50 academic essays and book chapters on historical and contemporary issues in Canadian foreign relations, Canadian-American relations, and teaching and learning. He is also a regular commentator in the public realm. His commentaries have also been published in The Globe and Mail, The National Post, Toronto Toronto Star, The Ottawa Citizen, The Calgary Herald, The Conversation Canada, and The Hill Times. He has appeared as a foreign policy expert on Global News, CTV News, CBC News, The Agenda with Steve Paikin, and CBC radio, and has testified as an expert witness before The Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence.
Dr. Jennifer Orange: Jennifer Orange is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History and sits on the Advisory Board of the Canadian Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. She is a lawyer, adjudicator, mediator and scholar, with expertise in international and domestic human rights law. She is passionate about the potential for partnerships between institutions to work to prevent, and recover from, human rights violations. A former Global Justice Fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Jackman Humanities Institute-Mellon Graduate Fellow, she is currently a member of the Jackman Humanities Institute research communities on Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and Museums and Public History. She has taught Canadian public law at Western Law School and International Human Rights Law and the Law of Armed Conflict at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. She has published widely on international law, human rights and cultural institutions. She was a member of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and a litigator at Torys LLP. She is an advocate for the inclusion of the most marginalized voices in decision-making processes and has broad experience in board leadership at mental health and patient organizations.
Dr. Tina Park: Tina J. Park is a Co-Founder & Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, based at the Munk School of Global Affairs. The CCR2P is a non-profit, non-partisan research organization aimed at advancing scholarly engagement and political implementation of the R2P principle. Dr. Park has advised over 30 governments and regional organizations on their policies with regards to R2P/human rights, including the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the InterAction Council, and has addressed the UN General Assembly’s annual dialogue on R2P at the UN Headquarters in New York since 2013. She also contributed to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon’s annual report on R2P since 2012.
The event will be a Zoom conference that is streamed through Youtube. On the day of the event you will be emailed a link to the youtube channel.
Asian Solidarity with Black Lives: Dismantling Racial Capitalism

- Date: June 29, 2020
- Time: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
- Provider: Chinese Workers Network (TYRLC), Asian Canadian Labour Alliance, OFL Workers Of Colour Committee
- Link:
Anti-Asian and anti-Black racism and oppression are pieces of Canada’s concealed histories, which continue on today. At this pivotal time, solidarity, particularly among racialized groups, is needed more than ever. With Min Sook Lee as the moderator, Winnie Ng and Carol Wall will discuss their perspectives on anti-Asian and anti-Black racism, solidarity between Asian and Black communities, as well as share their insights on dismantling racial capitalism.
- Min Sook Lee, an award-winning documentary film director/producer of such documentaries as “Migrant Dreams”, an educator, and a political activist.
- Carol Wall, a labour and social justice activist who has had an extensive and diverse career within labour in which she recently retired as the Ontario Regional Director for the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.
- Winnie Ng, a labour rights activist, educator, and community organizer with a deep commitment to anti-racism, equity and worker empowerment. Winnie is currently an Adjunct Professor with the School of Social Work, Ryerson University.
This event is co-sponsored by the Asian Canadian Labour Alliance, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Ontario Federation of Labour – Workers of Colour Committee, OPSEU Coalition of Racialized Workers, OPSEU Provincial Human Rights Committee, and Toronto & York Region Labour Council – Chinese Workers Network
The Ethics of Black Lives Matter: A Conversation Between Rachel Herzing and Amna Akbar

- Date: June 29, 2020
- Time: 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
- Provider: Centre For Ethics, University Of Toronto
- Link:
Join the Centre for Ethics for The Ethics of Black Lives Matter, an interdisciplinary series of online events featuring short video takes.
A Conversation Between Rachel Herzing and Amna Akbar
A conversation between Rachel Herzing and Amna Akbar on the organizing that came before, and the road ahead, toward prison abolition.
This is an online event. It will be live streamed on the Centre for Ethics YouTube Channel at 3pm, Monday, June 29. Channel subscribers will receive a notification at the start of the live stream. (For other events in the series, and to subscribe, visit
June 30, 2020
Bernardine Evaristo: Girl, Woman, Other
- Date: June 30, 2020
- Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Provider: Toronto Public Library
- Link:
Winner of the 2019 Man Booker prize, Bernardine Evaristo discusses her latest novel, Girl, Woman, Other, an essential text on race and feminism. Filled with wit and emotion, Girl, Woman, Other centres the voices we often see othered, and shows us a side of Britain we rarely see.
Bernardine Evaristo is appearing in conversation with Canadian author and journalist, Donna Bailey Nurse.
This event is part of our Live & Online series and is the virtual version of our Appel Salon.
Platforms of Distortion – Can They Be Fixed?
- Date: July 2, 2020
- Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
- Provider: Centre For Freedom of Expression, Ryerson University
- Link:
Digital platforms are perfect delivery systems for gossip and entertainment. Unfortunately they now distribute most of our news. What should we do when the structural flaws of social media distort the public sphere by incentivizing misinformation, filter bubbles, electoral interference and trolling? Join a panel that will discuss how large platforms like Facebook and Twitter have distorted news-gathering and public interest debate, and what might be done to correct this.
Zoom link to event:
Matt Bailey, Digital Freedom Program Director, PEN America
Brendan de Caires, Executive Director, PEN Canada.
Petra Molnar, Acting Director, International Human Rights Program, University of Toronto
James L. Turk, Director, Centre for Free Expression, Ryerson University
Co-sponsor: PEN Canada
This is a free event and no registration is required.
July 2, 2020
Black Lives Matter in Germany: What Does It Mean to Orient Oneself in White Jurisprudence?
- Date: July 2, 2020
- Time: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM EDT
- Provider: Centre For Ethics, University Of Toronto
- Link:
Join the Centre for Ethics for The Ethics of Black Lives Matter, an interdisciplinary series of online events featuring short video takes.
Black Lives Matter in Germany: What Does It Mean to Orient Oneself in White Jurisprudence?
Jurisprudence need not be indifferent to matters of racial justice – even if its main perspective is a “white” one. Using the particularly palpable example of German “legal science”, the talk will explore how jurisprudence and the academy can be used as a lever for minoritarian issues.
This is an online event. It will be live streamed on the Centre for Ethics YouTube Channel at 12pm EDT (6pm CET), Thursday, July 2. Channel subscribers will receive a notification at the start of the live stream. (For other events in the series, and to subscribe, visit
July 4, 2020
StatusForALL Rally outside Minister of Immigration

- Date: July 4, 2020
- Time: 3:00 PM EDT
- Provider: Workers’ Action Centre and others
- Location: Office of Immigration Minister, Marco Mendicino, 511 Lawrence Ave W., Toronto, Ontario M6A 1A3
- Link:
Juan López Chaparro died last Saturday. He was the 3rd migrant farmworker to die to due to COVID-19, following Bonifacio Eugenio Romero and Rogelio Santos Muñoz.
Farmworkers have been facing dangerous working and living conditions for years but cannot speak out because of the threat of deportation. All migrants need FULL immigration status now to be able to protect themselves.
Help us deliver this urgent message to MP Marco Mendicino who is the Minister of Immigration. Join us for a socially distanced rally outside his office on Saturday, July 4 to say not one more death, and full status for all: undocumented migrants, temporary foreign workers, careworkers, international students, refugees. Young or old, working or not, criminalized or not. End the systemic racism! Equal people means equal migration status!
Ongoing events and series
Section 35 (Human Rights) and bonus 1F(a) exclusion (CARL Series)
- Date: July 2, 2020
- Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
- Provider: Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers
Please join CARL for an exciting series of webinars that examine all aspects of inadmissibility under the IRPA. Webinars will highlight relevant jurisprudence and provide tips on how to effectively prepare and represent clients in fighting inadmissibility allegations.
The series will run every other Thursday at 2PM EST with each webinar lasting 60-90 minutes.
1. JUNE 18 – Introduction to Series and Section 34 (Security)
- Introduction to the Series: Lorne Waldman – Toronto
- Section 34: Ron Poulton – Toronto
2. JULY 2 – Section 35 (Human Rights) and *bonus* 1F(a) exclusion
- Dan Bohbot – Montréal
3. JULY 16 – Section 36 (Criminality)
- Sam Loeb – Toronto
4. JULY 30 – Section 37 (Organized Criminality):
- Erica Olmstead – Vancouver
5. AUGUST 13 – Section 38 (Medical):
- Adrienne Smith – Toronto
6. AUGUST 27 – Section 40 (Misrepresentation)
- Michael Bossin and Laila Demirdache – Ottawa
7. SEPTEMBER 10 – From Allegation to Adjudication (s.44 referrals, MDRs and admissibility hearings)
- Aris Daghighian – Toronto
8. SEPTEMBER 24 – Ministerial Relief:
- Prasanna Balasundaram – Toronto
The entire series is $50 for CARL members and $100 for non-members. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, we cannot offer access to individual webinars. Those who sign up can view the webinars live and will also be able to access the archived recordings and PowerPoint materials through CARL’s website.
Why is there any fee? The fee for non-members reflects that, due to COVID-19, CARL is unable to host our national conferences. Our webinar series replaces our conferences as a means through which CARL raises funds for our ongoing advocacy and litigation on behalf of refugees.
Please send your payment by Interac transfer (no password needed) to Don’t forget to indicate your full name. The link to register will be sent to you upon payment. If you have any difficulty or any inquiries about your membership, please communicate with CARL Membership Committee:
To register as a CARL member, or to renew your membership, please visit CARL’s web page