Archived: “Practice Notice on Resumption of Time Limits at the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD)”

Because the IRB website has been unstable immediately following the announcement of several new RAD initiatives, the content of the relevant communications will be archived here, at least temporarily.

Document: “Practice Notice on Resumption of Time Limits at the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD)”
Date: No stated date (but signed by Deputy Chairperson on June 12, 2020)
Date copied from IRB website: June 13, 2020

Practice Notice on Resumption of Time Limits at the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD)

​​​​​This Practice Notice is addressed to counsel, unrepresented appellants, designated representatives and Minister’s counsel.

This Practice Notice provides over 30 days advance notice of the resumption of the regular time limits for filing a notice of appeal and appellant’s record at the RAD for new appeals. This Practice Notice also extends the current suspension period until August 18, 2020.

Time limits for filing

Effective August 19, 2020, the RAD reinstates the time limits for filing a notice of appeal or perfecting an appeal that were temporarily suspended on March 15, 2020. This means that a notice of appeal or appellant’s record due between January 1, 2020 to August 18, 2020 inclusive, must be submitted to the RAD by August 19, 2020. Where the time limit for filing a notice of appeal or appellant’s record is later than August 19, 2020, the later date is the deadline.

Resumption of reduced mailroom operations

Mailrooms at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) will resume operations at reduced capacity on June 15 in Vancouver and on June 22 in Toronto and Montreal. From these dates forward, you will be able to provide the RAD with documents by mail, fax, email or ePost Connect. Reception desks will not be open to receive in-person deliveries.

Information for unrepresented appellants

You may submit documents by mail if you prefer not to register with ePost Connect or use email or fax.

How to submit documents

While IRB mailrooms will resume operations, reception desks will not be open to receive in-person delivery. Mailrooms will operate on a reduced capacity given that COVID-19 precautions will limit the number employees permitted access to IRB offices.
Therefore, the RAD will begin to use Canada Post’s ePost Connect to receive electronic communication from registered users. Please consult the Practice Notice on using ePost Connect for more information. In addition, the RAD will accept all documents via email at one of the following addresses or fax numbers:

Western Region:
Fax number: 604-666-9870

Central Region:
Fax number: 416-954-1511

Eastern Region:
Fax number: 514-283-0164

If you use email or fax, we strongly encourage you to also register for epost Connect. Unlike email which limits the size of submissions to 10 MB, ePost Connect can accept up to 1GB of information. In addition, ePost Connect offers the potential for the RAD to use it to send protected information to registered users as an interim solution before the IRB portal is launched.

Pending appeals

For an existing pending appeal, please consult the Communiqué on RAD Graduated Return to Business​ which specifies time frames for submitting additional documents.​ 

Changes to the application of RAD Rules

In order to expand the use of electronic communication with the RAD and promote physical distancing, this Practice Notice temporarily removes (waives) the requirement in the rules for signatures on documents and RAD forms submitted in support of an appeal. For example, the RAD will not require appellant’s records to be signed nor will it require a signed affidavit or statutory declaration to accompany an application under Rule 37.

Submitting documents to the Minister

This Practice Notice does not change the method of serving documents on the Minister where required by RAD rules.

Information about hearings

Hearings at the RAD continue to be postponed for the time. A separate communiqué will be issued later this summer.

Signed on June 12, 2020

Signed by Paula Thompson
Deputy Chairperson, RAD

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