Rolling Updates to Afghanistan Refugee Situation

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August 18, 1:10pm
UK Resettlement
Acceptance in Tajikistan (RSD possible)

August 18, 12:25pm

India has announced emergency visas (prioritizing Hindus and Sikhs according to some sources, or open to all, according to other sources).

Link to apply:

The Hindu, “India announces emergency e-visa for Afghans

The Print, “India’s emergency visa open to all Afghans, has nothing to do with CAA, says govt

Mint, “India begins e-visa facility for Afghan refugees. How to apply; helpline number

August 18, 12:00pm

The New York Times live feed: “Afghanistan Live Updates: Taliban Meet Public Protest With Violence

August 18, 11:25am

This document seems to be circulating among interested parties. It looks unofficial but legitimate – i.e. it directs people to genuine Canadian government websites and the advice seems sound. If anyone knows the provenance, please update us!

August 18, 11:15am

“Afghanistan’s neighbor Uzbekistan not opening doors to refugees”, Christian Science Monitor

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