Conference schedule and topics live!

We’re excited to share with you our full schedule and topics to be covered. It’s going to be an exciting day!!

For full details, see this page.

Time Topic Format Speakers
9:20Introductory SpeechJenny Rokhline
9:30Diversity Blitz! A facilitated discussion on diversity, representation, and race in the immigration and refugee profession.Fireside Chat Mayoori Malankov

Jessica Chandrashekar

Vino Shanmuganathan

Graciela Flores Mendez
10:30Study & Work Authorization in Canada – a PrimerSeminarJelena Urosevic

Parveen Sehra
11:30Coffee Break
11:45Mental Health & Client Skills – How to Manage Difficult ClientsSeminar Rebeka Lauks

Debbie Rachlis
1:30Written Advocacy in Immigration, Refugee, and LitigationSeminarTatiana Emanuel

Sarah Boyd
2:30Cross Examination in Immigration, Refugee, and LitigationSeminarJenny Rokhline

Leo Rayner
3:30Coffee Break
3:45Effective Advocacy When the S&#t Hits the FanFireside ChatKevin Wiener

Veronica Wilson
4:45Career PanelFireside ChatRebecca Lockwood

Jenny Rokhline

Mabel Kyei
5:15Closing Remarks

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